5 Skills to Highlight in Your Accounting Resume

As you prepare to write a resume for your accounting career, it’s important to consider what to include or omit. Your resume will look different depending on whether you are right out of college or have been working for 15 years. Use the tips below to develop an outstanding accounting resume so that you will get noticed by the right hiring companies.

Discuss Technical Skills

One of the most important things you need to include on your accounting resume is that of your technical skills. Technical skills include proficiency in SAP, Oracle, Sage, and other high-level tools. Any financial software you know how to use should be listed on your resume in order for you to stand out from the crowd.

Include Accomplishments

What have you achieved in your previous employment? Show that what you have done in the past. Highlighting your accomplishments shows that you can take on more responsibility and be able to generate results. You won’t settle for doing average work.

Quantify Your Success

To tie in with those mentioned accomplishments, how strong was your success? Being able to show that your work resulted in an improvement of performance or a decrease in expenses for an organization shows that you will increase efficiency and be able to keep everything running smoothly.

Ability to Prepare Financial Statements

Another skill you should feature is the ability to prepare financial statements. Financial statements have many different segments and you need to discuss all of them on your resume. You need to show that you can handle the income statement, the balance sheet, the statement of retained earnings and the statement of cash flow.

Financial Analysis

The most successful accountants out there today are able to explain how well they perform financial analysis. When you work in financial analysis, you need to be detail oriented. If you want to find a job in the profession, your resume will need to have just as much detail, if not more. If you cannot properly define this skill on your resume, it will be difficult to land a job.

As you build a new resume, you need to highlight the skills mentioned above if you want to impress the hiring manager and receive an offer of employment. Work with your recruitment representative at Casey Accounting & Finance Resources to create an accounting resume that will work for you.

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