How Teamwork Helps All Aspects of Your Career

Whether you are currently employed or seeking a new job, being a team player can be to your advantage. Why? People skills are often in short supply as more employees lean on technology and interact less in the workplace. Being a great communicator and collaborator can take you far in your career. The ability to relate to many different types of people and situations, using your best skills to support a team effort is something you should work on throughout your career.

Here are some reasons why teamwork helps you in all aspects of your career development.

Teamwork helps you see things from other perspectives

When you open yourself up to working with others in a team setting, you benefit by learning perspectives and experiences. This aids in your development and ability to expand your horizons. It can also help you become better at your job as you learn new ways of handling tasks and seeing things from alternative views.

Teamwork will help you get a better career

At your current job, teamwork develops relationships and leads to increased production. When you’re looking for a new job, people will help you out and you can show examples of when you were a great team member.

Teamwork skills require being more personable

If you struggle with shyness or fear around other people, making an effort to be active on a team can help you come out of your shell. Make the choice to be an active participant and use your talents to contribute to the success of each project. You will earn the respect of your peers and develop more personality.

Teamwork can connect you with the right people and opportunities

In life, being part of a team can bring you closer to the type of career and the challenge of new experiences you need to grow. You can build closer connections with your peers, mentors, and even clients and vendors you work with. Using teamwork principles, you will be viewed as someone that others can rely on to get things done.

Teamwork is the hallmark of a future leader

When you learn how to be a team player, you are also developing the skills you can use as a future leader in your industry. Learning to get along with others, bringing out the best in them, and sharing in successes are the traits that all good leaders possess. Think in these terms as you work on team-building skills and attitudes.

Work with a Leader Among Chicago Recruiters

At Casey Accounting & Finance Resources, we value teamwork among all of our employees. We will focus on your area of expertise and place top financial job candidates with the best financial companies in Chicago and the surrounding area. Contact our award-winning financial recruiters to get started!


Why Listening Makes You a Better Leader

Today, a leader must be an excellent communicator. They must be able to delegate effortlessly, motivate the team, and must be good at both verbal and written communications. But communication is a two-way street. Leaders also need to be active, patient and responsive listeners. While being outspoken and communicating clearly are two of the many attributes necessary for one to become a leader, it is listening that makes one a better leader.

How listening can make anyone a better leader

In the workplace, a leader is expected to address problems and initiate improvements. Certain problems will be obvious and a leader must be able to identify them. But, many problems are not so obvious. The only way a leader can get to know those issues is if they listen to the team or any particular member of the team. People should be able to come up to a leader with their problems and a leader must not spurn them.

Many leaders fail to actually hear what others have to say. They shrug at what is being shared or reported to them. They pretend to listen and forget what has been said soon after. They don’t even offer an audience and even if they listen. They can discard the issues at their whims and fancies. Such approaches are unbecoming of a leader.

The first step in being a better leader is to take the time to listen to others, and reflect back what is being said to clarify matters. A leader who listens is respected by their team members. Listening to anyone would make that person feel that they are important, what they say or have to say is being heard and that their thoughts, situations or their role in the team are valuable.

Steps to be a better listener include:

  • When listening to another person, imagine that they are the only other person in the room and be fully engaged in what they are saying.
  • Be open minded and put yourself in their shoes.  You might not agree with what the person is saying, but give them a chance to fully articulate their thoughts.  People will appreciate that you are making an effort to understand and hear what they are saying.
  • Repeat back the key points you are hearing and ask for clarification of anything you did not understand or may have missed.
  • Establish what follow up there will be, if any, so the person is clear on what will happen after the conversation is finished.
  • Remember, conversations are just the beginning step to implementing great ideas!

Listening is a skill that comes with time and practice. Leaders need to talk but they don’t need to talk to hear their own voice. A leader can always learn from others, from advice or suggestions from the team members and the act of listening itself can open up a treasure trove of informational and helpful exchanges. Remember, it only takes one person to suggest an idea for significant change to affect the organization.

As a leader, it’s up to you to become a better listener so you can improve your skills and earn the respect of your subordinates.

Casey Accounting & Finance Resources is dedicated to locating top talent for your accounting and finance positions. Contact a leading recruiter for finance careers today to get started!

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Make Small Talk Your Strength by Shifting the Conversation Here

In the ‘information age,’ communication is the key to a successful office career. While lucid communication has always been a desirable attribute in a professional, especially for those in delegating and leadership or management roles, it has become much more quintessential today. Why? Companies are seeking professionals who are adept and comfortable in all forms of communication, including making small talk that leads to better working relationships.

How to improve the conversation by shifting the focus to small talk

When developing communication skills, it’s important to first focus on mutual interests demonstrated in initial small talk. Take the attention off “me” and put it on “we,” so that you can discuss a topic that you and your colleagues enjoy. It’s effective when relating to co-workers, talking with subordinates or managers, and building rapport with clients.

To be viewed as a true office professional, it’s important to establish or showcase your prowess in communication. That can be achieved by speaking decisively, confidently and in a manner that is understandable, convincing and engaging. Since communication is a two-way process and both or all parties must feel engaged, it is quite possible that what you talk about might not entice the other person enough. That is where small talk becomes your strength. Whether it is your interview or your first interactions with your fellow colleagues, small talk can give you the impetus you need.

What does small talk have to do with things?

In many ways, small talk is considered a normal part of any job. Unfortunately, there are some people who don’t like such conversations. When you speak about topics that matter to you and the other person, you can easily guide the conversation. At a more basic level, you get to establish a connection that will work in your favor. Small talk is also necessary if you wish to switch the topic of a conversation or you simply wish to steer the whole correspondence in a certain manner.   Use open-ended questions to get the conversation going and invite people to tell stories instead of one word responses.  Here are some conversation starters at the office:

  • What do you enjoy most about your weekend?
  • What is the most interesting thing that happened at work today?
  • If you could be anywhere in the world, where would you like to be?
  • What is the best way to accomplish our target for the week?

As Dale Carnegie stated, “Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely.”

Using small talk during an interview to improve your career

Communicating better and more lucidly will become easy when you master the strength of small talk, especially on topics of mutual interest. For example, while being interviewed for a job, a candidate can use small talk to build a common ground with interviewers and appear to have the right personality for the job.  This will present a candidate as having a confident, interesting and asserting personality. Use these tips during an interview:

  • Don’t ramble on.  Keep small talk interesting and brief
  • Realize the interviewer is asking questions initially to see how easily you can engage in conversation
  • Answer the questions you are asked
  • Look at the interviewer and look interested in the conversation
  • Listen more than you talk

These are attributes that any company in any industry would want to have in its employees.

Casey Accounting & Finance Resources, a winner of Inavero’s Best of Staffing® Client Award for the second consecutive year, focuses directly on your area of expertise. Contact us today to work with a leader in finance recruitment.

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Be a Better Teammate – How a Positive Attitude Affects You and Those Around You

Be a Better Teammate – How a Positive Attitude Affects You and Those Around You
by Gregg Gregory

Many people believe that, with a positive attitude and positive thinking, you can do anything, including be a better teammate. I have an amazingly positive attitude, but if you needed surgery tomorrow, would you really want me to perform that surgery? Of course not.

While I do possess a positive, can-do, attitude, I don’t possess the skills to perform any kind of surgery. I believe that, with positive thinking, you can do everything (that you do) better than with negative thinking.

After a long week of travel and crossing the country twice in just eight days, an exhausted Jose was going through airport security late one night when an airport security woman said, “Hi, how are you?” Now let’s be clear, when the average person says, “Hi, how are you?” they really don’t care and are not even listening to your response.

Jose, being almost always in a positive frame of mind, quickly said to the security woman, “I am having an awesome evening and I am getting better.” In a very raspy and sarcastic tone of voice the security woman said, “Well somebody’s in a good mood.” Jose responded, “Why would you ever choose to be in a bad mood?” The woman looked like a deer caught in headlights and responded genuinely saying, “You know, you are right, and thank you for reminding me it is my choice. Have a great evening.”

Did Jose change the attitude of the woman? No. All he did was to provide an open atmosphere where the woman could freely and comfortably make a decision to change her attitude. Jose walked around the corner and watched for several minutes as the woman greeted the next few passengers with an entirely different and positive attitude. This, in turn, had a positive effect on the passengers as well. The real question is: how long did the attitude of the woman stay in a positive state? Quite probably until a passenger with a very strong negative attitude came by and yelled at her.

Bottom line, nearly 90% of the people you meet can be affected by the attitude you present at any given time, so why not impact the world in a positive way?

Here are five things to remember about having a positive attitude:

  1. The average person comes in contact with 10 different people a day, either on the phone or in person. This means that your positive attitude not only impacts the 10 you come into contact with, but it can impact up to two or more generations down the line. If you are positive to the 10 people you come in contact with, and they do the same for just one more generation, that means that your positive attitude impacted 100 people. What if that carried out just one more generation? You have now impacted 1,000 people with your positive attitude. Unfortunately, a negative interaction works the same way.
  2. Your attitude drives your work behavior. If you are positive, you will do your work faster and at a higher quality than if you have a negative attitude. Think back through the last three or four days. What kind of attitude did you have when you got to work? Now how was your production for that day? Do you see any correlation?
  3. Remember, your attitude is not just in your words, it is demonstrated in the way you stand, your facial expressions as well as the tonality of your voice. Non-verbal cues can be even more devastating than the words you selected.
  4. Your attitude has a dramatic impact on your health. This does not mean that positive people will never get sick or have problems. It does mean that they usually use their attitude to get through the problems more quickly. The same applies to laughter. How often do you get a gut wrenching belly laugh? How do you feel after such a laugh?
  5. Remember, like the airport security officer, your attitude is your choice. When you feel like you are headed in the wrong direction, do one of the following:
  • Think about a time when things were clicking just right.
  • Call a friend and let them pick you up.
  • Make a change in what you are doing at that moment to something you know will help create positive energy.

The bottom line is, when you are thinking positively you will be more effective in every aspect of your life and, in many cases, the endorphins released can reduce pain and anxiety, which perpetuates a greater positive attitude.

Copyright © 2015, Gregg Gregory & Teams Rock.  First published November 30, 2015.


A diverse, twenty-year background in real estate, mortgage banking, event planning, and production, as well as radio and television broadcasting, created a perfect storm that put Gregg Gregory where he is today. Gregg works hard to ensure that different personalities can work together successfully to accomplish your organization’s mission, goals, and objectives.   To learn more about Gregg’s powerful teambuilding programs and events, visit or call 301-564-0908

Want to Get a Phone Call? Promote your Financial IT Skills

Yоu’ve рrоbаblу heard thе cliché “thе person wіth thе rіght education gеtѕ thе job.” Wіth а degree іn уоur hand, уоu mау find уоurѕеlf tо bе thе perfect fit fоr thе job advertised. Thіѕ, hоwеvеr, іѕ nоt always true whеn іt соmеѕ tо finance and accounting jobs.

Financial jobs in Chicago can be tricky to land. Whіlе technical competency іѕ сеrtаіnlу thе fіrѕt criteria fоr selection, employers often lооk bеуоnd whаt textbooks hаvе taught. Thеу wаnt ѕоmеоnе whо саn communicate thе technical knowledge tо people whо саnnоt translate numbers аnd figures іntо information. Inѕtеаd оf perplexing thе client wіth complex industry jargon аnd technical terms, thеу wаnt ѕоmе оnе whо helps to effectively disseminate the information. Thеу аrе nоt rеаllу interested іn numbers. Thеу wаnt tо knоw whеrе thеу stand, whеrе thеу аrе heading, аnd whеthеr оr nоt thеrе іѕ аnуthіng thеу ѕhоuld bе worried about.

Fоr thіѕ matter, employers аrе lооkіng fоr ѕоmеоnе whо brings аlоng strong interpersonal skills, аnd knоwѕ hоw tо nurture relationships. Precisely, thеу wаnt а technical expert wіth thе mind оf а business consultant.

By highlighting these skills, you stand a better chance of getting a job offer in the financial sector.

Information Technology

Information technology іѕ thе fіrѕt skill оn thіѕ list.  Nоt bесаuѕе it’s thе mоѕt important, but bесаuѕе it’s thе mоѕt obvious. Whаtеvеr оur function, nеw applications аrе automating whаt wе dо аnd helping uѕ bесоmе mоrе efficient аnd (hopefully) mоrе effective.  Skills уоu wіll nееd tо master include social media, HTML, analytics, pivot tables, virtual communication and mobile development.

Thеrе аrе vеrу fеw professions thаt information technology dоеѕ nоt touch.  In order tо stay оn top оf уоur field, уоu nееd tо stay оn top оf thе latest technological developments.

Managerial Skills

Whеthеr оr nоt уоu manage staff, managerial skills аrе extremely important.  Whеthеr it’s managing projects, resources, finances оr simply уоur оwn time, уоu can’t live wіthоut solid managerial skills.


Untіl thе latest economic downturn, thе mоѕt important оf thеѕе nontechnical skills wаѕ communication. But it’s mоrе thаn simple communication: It’s information delivery.  Mоrе accurately, it’s information analysis аnd delivery. It’s thе ability tо communicate уоur area оf expertise іntо layman’s terms – іn bоth oral аnd written form. Information sharing іѕ а key aspect оf аnу role today. Mоѕt professionals muѕt bе capable оf nоt оnlу delivering thеіr KPIs, but аlѕо interpreting thеm fоr external audiences tо ѕее thе business implications оf them. Thе complexity оf today’s business environment underscores thе nееd fоr good communication аnd оthеr soft skills ѕuсh аѕ diplomacy аnd persuasion.

Innovation / Strategic Thinking / Problem Solving

Thе mоѕt important оf thеѕе skills is thе ability tо solve problems.  Sоmеtіmеѕ thе ability tо solve problems іѕ masked аѕ innovation оr strategic thinking, but thе purpose іѕ thе same.  Thе conversation gоеѕ ѕоmеthіng lіkе this, “We haven’t ѕееn а problem lіkе thіѕ before.  Wе hаvе nо idea whаt nееdѕ tо bе done, but wе nееd уоu tо figure іt оut аnd tо dо ѕоmеthіng аbоut it.”

We cаn аll agree thаt wе аrе facing mоrе problems, bоth business аnd otherwise, thаn wе hаvе bеfоrе іn оur lifetimes.  And, еѕресіаllу ѕіnсе thе downturn, еvеrуоnе іѕ bеіng asked tо dо mоrе wіth lеѕѕ resources.  Evеrуоnе іѕ bеіng asked tо solve increasingly complex problems аt increasingly lоwеr levels оf thе organization.

Mastering Thеѕе Skills

Mоѕt оf thе time іt іѕ quіtе easy tо develop аnd kеер оn top оf уоur technical skills: Thоѕе essential skills уоu nееd tо dо уоur job.  Mоrе оftеn thаn nоt though, thеѕе nontechnical skills аrе mоrе оf а dо-іt-уоurѕеlf project.  Yоu mау оr mау nоt bе gіvеn thе opportunity tо learn thеѕе skills frоm уоur employer.

Hоw dо уоu gо аbоut developing them, then?  Actually, it’s easy enough, but іt takes life-long education.  Tаkіng courses thrоugh уоur local universities оr functional trade organizations іѕ а great start.

Casey Accounting & Finance Resources focuses directly on your area of expertise. We are a dedicated team of professionals providing superior value. Contact Casey Accounting & Finance Resources today – a leader in financial recruitment!

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The 12 Joys We are Grateful For!

As the year ends and a new one is on our doorstep, we reflect on how fortunate we are and what we are grateful for in our everyday lives as we work to place people in outstanding job opportunities with great companies!

  • “I am grateful for the ability to impact someone’s life by finding them a career that has truly made a difference in their life.  The best is when they come back to me years later to let me know!  I am grateful for my standing desk.  It allows me to burn calories while I work away…can’t beat that!”   Cheryl
  • “I am grateful for strong working relationships.”   Denise
  • “I’m grateful for terrific coworkers that know me better than I know myself some days, and for the ability to build new relationships every day. Also, couldn’t be more grateful for a sense of humor that helps me keep everything in perspective.”   Rachel
  • “I am definitely thankful for donuts!”   Jake
  • “I am grateful for the clients and candidates that contact me to assist with staffing and placement when needed, knowing I will do my best to assist!”   Linda
  • “I am grateful for LinkedIn!  As a new recruiter, I LOVE IT!”  Adam
  • “I am thankful for great companies that we work with that allow us to place our wonderful candidates.  I am thankful for a warm office to come to every day with great team members, wonderful leaders and owner!”   Barbara
  • “I am grateful for the trust that each person places in me during the search process.   And a hot cup of coffee each morning!”   Pete
  • “I am grateful for the team I work with. We are a family and work together to help one another succeed.”   Jessica
  • “I am grateful for the office treats!”  Erika
  • “I am grateful for the client and candidate relationships I have developed and maintained over the many years!   I am grateful for the technology available to me to make my job easier and accurate.  I’m grateful for working with a dynamic and loyal management team.”   Eileen
  • “I am grateful to be able to work with a great group of recruiters and staff who love what they do, for our amazing clients and the ability we have to give back to our community!  Every day, we get to improve people’s lives and make an impact on their future.  I am grateful to be a part of it all!  Best wishes to all in 2016!”  Patty

With Fewer Job Candidates Comes Multiple Job Offers

After several years of a virtual dry spell of jobs in the Chicago region, now it seems there are not enough candidates to go around for the companies here. The unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest percentage in seven years. It’s a candidate-driven market by all expert accounts, which means active job seekers may be hit with multiple job offers at once.

What do you do if you happen to get more than one job offer? How do you choose the best company for your career? Here are some guidelines.

What is the company’s reputation in the industry?

Take a good look at the companies that are offering you jobs. Are they respected in the industry? Look for company reviews left by current and former employers for added insight. Check out industry publications and the Better Business Bureau site to see what clients are saying about the companies.

Also, talk to your own network. If you are staying in the same area, then there’s a good chance you know someone (or know someone who knows someone) who has a personal experience with the company. Making that connection can take some work, but it will pay off in the long run.

Is the company going in the same direction my career is?

If you can find a website portal, see what the company has been focusing on and where it’s headed. Press releases, new products and offerings, and the mission of the company should indicate this. How well does this fit with the goals you have for your own career? If there is a good match, then this may be the best offer to accept.

Considering the cultural fit is just as important. A high salary is great, but it won’t keep you happy every day. Do your potential co-workers focus on the same ideals that you value?

How is the company doing financially?

Review public financial records of each company you are considering to see if they are healthy financially. Did they offer you a basic salary and benefits package that seems a little low or is it just right? If you are not getting a good enough offer, go back to the negotiating table and ask for more. The right company will value you enough to consider adding more to sweeten the deal.

Casey Accounting & Finance Resources, a winner of Inavero’s Best of Staffing® Client Award for the second consecutive year, always welcomes great job candidates and helps navigate the complicated job search. Contact us today, and we’ll help you find the best accounting Chicago careers!

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Job Interview Blues? What to Do When the Interviews Don’t Go Well

You’ve brushed up your resume, practiced your interview answering skills, and put on your best power suit. The big day of your job interview is finally here and you are pumped up and ready to impress. But then, something doesn’t feel right, you start to falter, and gradually the interview starts to go very wrong. You walk out almost in tears, wondering what just happened and how you can redeem yourself in the eyes of the hiring manager.

It’s happened to just about everyone who’s ever interviewed for a job. Interviews don’t always go as planned because they are about people. And people are prone to making mistakes, saying the wrong things, and yes, sometimes looking ridiculous. Before you beat yourself up too much, turn things around.

Think about what happened from both sides.

Were you late to the interview or got lost trying to find the office? Did you stumble to come up with an answer to a tough interview question? Try to see things from both sides. It may not be as bad as you think. The hiring manager may have mentioned that the office is hard to find, and they may know that the interview question always stumps people. In other words, the whole scenario may not be as bad as you think.

Be prepared.

Are you ready to give examples demonstrating your accomplishments?  Can you give examples of various situations in your previous work experience, show examples of how you responded to these situations with the actions involved and what the results were that you were able to accomplish?  Remember SAR:  Situation, Action and Results when talking about your accomplishments.

Take the pressure off trying to be perfect.

You are a human being and this means you are not perfect, not even close. You can do your best to look perfect, behave perfect, and show off your perfect resume, but it’s not going to land you that dream job right away. Instead, you need to be a genuine person and let your personality shine so that others can see your value. The next time around, just be yourself.

The recruiter may have been challenging you on purpose.  

You may not have had a stellar interview, but then not many people do. In fact, a trick that recruiters will use to make you think you are not a good fit for the organization is to act like they aren’t interested in you at all. They may appear emotionless in an interview. They may even cut you off while you speak. They may challenge you. This is an attempt to see if you will fight for the opportunity or walk out.

Find a support and job networking group.

If you are having the blues after a poor interview, be kind to yourself and reach out to others for support. Don’t go it alone. A job search is a long and frustrating process, so find a support network as you go through this experience. Share your story and listen to others talk about their bad interviews. Learn from it and move on to the next one!

Casey Accounting & Finance Resources is a dedicated team of professionals that provides superior value. Contact our great team of recruiters today to help you in your career search for
finance careers in Chicago.

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Six Keys to Being Happy

According to the Topgrading Professionals, the keys to being happy have been summarized below after asking executives:  “How would you live your life or manage your career differently, if you could start over?”  This question answers the question, “What might you have done differently in order to become a happier person?

They have heard similar responses over and over again, so here is a summary of the six keys to becoming a success in your career and life, a truly HAPPY “A” Player.

1.   Fix broken pieces in your life now, or they will get worse.

Life components include the following:  Relationship with Spouse/Significant Other, Relationships with My Children, Wellness, Career Success, Financial Well Being, Giving Back, Being Creative, Fun Hobbies, and Spiritual Satisfaction.  Look at any that you would rate Fair or Poor since these items are detracting from your happiness and fix them!

2.   Invest time, energy, and love in your family.

You can’t go back in time.  Spend the time with your family and loved ones now.

3.   Pay attention to wellness.

Half the people, particularly during their 30s and 40s, said their exercise, eating, sleeping and stress-relief habits could be improved.

4.   Live within your means.

If you are financially living out of your means, then poor choices happen especially when considering job changes.  Save and invest, so you have the money you need during the down times.

5.   Plan your career early.

85% of the high achievers were self-made, so get mentors early who can help you think long term for your career plans.  Get needed training early on in your career.

6.   Topgrade.

“A” players work 50 rather than 70 hours, and get a lot more done in the process.  Having these additional hours each week give them time to devote to family, exercise, or anything else that is important to them.  High achievers achieve balance through Topgrading.

For additional information

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Learn About Financial Technology to Make Yourself an Attractive Job Candidate

Keeping up with technology should be the top priority of all those in the workforce today, especially those who work in the financial industry. By keeping up with the times and learning technology as it continues to change, you will turn yourself into a desirable candidate for plenty of financial companies looking to hire the right person. Here’s how to boost your ability to land a great finance job in Chicago by using financial technology.

Understand that Technology Relies on People

Believe it or not, technology relies on the people who use it. For this reason, it is important for companies to find candidates who excel in financial technology if they want to succeed within the industry. If employees are hired, but they are not efficient in the technology being used by the company, then the company will suffer in the end. Develop your “people skills” and your financial technology skills in tandem.

Companies Need Employees Efficient in ERP Systems

When financial companies look to hire new employees, they want candidates who are efficient in enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. They automate a lot of the financial processes these days, but the employees working on them must be proficient in order to help the company succeed. Employees must be able to mine business data and turn that data into guidance. Even though data is incredibly powerful today, companies need to have employees on their payroll who know how to harness that data.

Examples of ERP Systems

There are a number of options for companies using ERP systems. Some of the examples include:

Each of those systems features different benefits and characteristics. Taking time to evaluate the ERP systems and see how they match the goals of your company will lead to selecting the best fit for your organization.

Become an Attractive Financial Candidate

To become an attractive financial candidate in today’s highly competitive job market, you must not only learn technology being used, but also do each of the following things:

  • Determine what areas of your career need to be developed better. Talk with your manager about any training programs available to you from external providers.
  • Show curiosity for the technology that affects the financial industry and the company for which you work.
  • Jump aboard projects at work where new technology is being implemented, even if you have never used the technology. By volunteering yourself and your time, you show the company how dedicated you are to learning new things.

Turning yourself into an attractive job candidate in the financial world these days can be difficult, but it can be done if you learn the technology being used by companies today.  Casey Accounting & Finance Resources can support your goals of landing a job in the finance sector. Contact our great team of financial recruiters today!

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