The Top Job Searching Myths You Can’t Possibly Believe!

Finding a job is a stressful activity. Buying into false beliefs about the process can make it even harder. Enhance your job search by not believing these myths.

1. My Resume Will Automatically Get Through the Automated System

An applicant tracking system (ATS) screens out candidates based on keywords, dates and job titles. Therefore, an average of five of every 1,000 online applications pass through the ATS to the manager. Even if your skills and qualifications make you a top candidate, you are not guaranteed to be offered an interview. You are better off customizing your cover letter and resume, finding the manager’s email on LinkedIn, and sending your information directly to them.

2. The Hiring Manager Will Know I Am a Great Fit

Your cover letter and resume should point out specific reasons why you are a great fit for the role. If the hiring manager is left to connect the dots between how your information qualifies you for the position, they will move on to the next qualified candidate. Point out your qualifications in relation to the job posting. Do not leave anything to chance.

3. My Passion for the Job Will Outweigh My Lack of Qualifications

Although you may be called in for an interview without having every qualification listed in a job posting, be aware of how far off your background is from what the hiring manager is looking for. Some factors may be negotiable, such as having four years’ experience when the posting asks for six. However, if you have three years’ experience and the posting asks for 10, focus your energy on other opportunities. This is especially true if you are changing careers and cannot demonstrate many transferable skills to get the role you want.

4. A Cover Letter Is Unnecessary

Even with digital job applications, a tailored cover letter and resume are required. Your cover letter gives context to your resume and a voice to your stats. It needs to show the hiring manager what you are looking for, why you are qualified for the role, and that you would like to talk further about the opportunity.

5. My Resume Should Be One Page

Because a customized resume is the centerpiece of your job application, it should highlight the most important information for the hiring manager. Therefore, you may not be able to list your related skills, experience and career highlights all on one page. This is especially true if you have a decade of experience and/or work in a high-level role. Choose a layout that is pleasing to the eye and draws attention to your most important achievements.

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Embracing AI in the Workforce

Artificial intelligence (AI) is taking over the workforce. The technology uses data to analyze patterns of behavior that are encouraged, discouraged, and tolerated by people and systems over time to determine which are most favorable. By performing repetitive, mindless busywork, AI frees up time for employees to engage in higher-level tasks. Increasing efficiency and productivity encourages new jobs to be created that increase engagement and fulfill potential. Therefore, AI should be embraced as a positive transformation in the workplace.

Faster Recruitment and Training

AI makes recruitment and training faster. For instance, an applicant tracking system screens resumes to narrow the candidate pool. Also, chatbots conduct basic background checks to identify specific qualifications and determine which candidates get offered interviews. Further, AI helps employees gain opportunities to learn new skills that aid in career growth, providing the business with a competitive advantage.

More Effective Management of Company Culture

AI more effectively manages company culture. For instance, AI analyzes behavioral data from onboarding processes, performance management, business processes, leadership forums, discussion threads, exit interviews, and other HR sources to develop real-time behavior patterns and create an ongoing picture of culture incorporated in the workplace. Also, AI identifies systemic issues and their consequences to avoid current risks, and facilitate the development of a culture plan. Additionally, AI facilitates culture audits of systems and processes to ensure they align with what boards and regulators expect of an organization.

Shorter Sales Cycle

AI shortens the sales cycle. For instance, the screening process becomes more precise and positively impacts the customer experience, improving the conversion rate. Also, AI takes on time-consuming, but necessary, tasks to increase productivity. For example, by using information from public domain and prefilling underwriting questions needed for an insurance quote, AI improves the ease of conducting insurance business for both prospects and the company, by closing more deals in less time.

Enhanced Customer Experience

AI enhances the customer experience. For instance, chatbots can predict customer needs and give the information customers desire at any time, reducing the burden on human customer service reps. Also, increased response time allows for instant communication and faster decision making. With the necessary information, customers are more inclined to conduct business and become loyal followers. Additionally, AI analyzes what customers want over time to provide deeper personalization and higher-quality products and services.

Increased Focus on Big Picture

AI increases focus on the big picture. For instance, AI can take over tedious work such as programming, and free up time for more enjoyable work. Programmers can play with, train, monitor, and provide feedback on AI so that running modules becomes more streamlined.

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The Job You Interviewed for Wasn’t What You Expected, But You Have No Other Leads. What Do You Do?

There are many reasons to consider taking a job that is different from what you expected. Perhaps your unemployment is almost gone or your family is relocating and you need a job. Whatever your circumstances, you need to decide whether to take the job or hold out for a different opportunity altogether.

Evaluate How to Proceed

To determine whether to take the role, ask yourself some questions. For instance, “What new information has caused my interest in this opportunity to decline? How much has my interest waned?” And, “Does the new information compromise my core wants and needs?” Also, “Is there information I do not know that may change my mind? What is it?” Plus, “Do any aspects of this opportunity still appeal to me? What are they?” If more information is needed, stay in the running and wait for another interview. Write down the questions you need answered to make a better decision.

Take the Job If the Pros Outweigh the Cons

If the pros outweigh the cons, then take the job. For instance, the hours may be long, but the company will look great on your resume. Or, you may not be interested in one duty, but there are five you do enjoy. Perhaps the role is not very exciting, but your potential colleagues are amazing and an advanced position could be your dream job.

Decline the Job If You Truly Are Not Interested

If you are less than inspired by the role, then let the hiring manager know as soon as possible. Chances are remote that you will change your mind. Contact the hiring manager by phone or email. Be specific about your reasons for withdrawal and emphasize your gratitude for the interview. For instance, “Sarah, I want to thank you for the opportunity to interview for the Auditor role at Firm A. As I learned more about the position and organization, it was clear that I am not a good fit with company culture. I appreciate getting to know you and hope you find the right candidate soon. Best regards, Rebekah Freiberg”.

Work With a Top Employment Agency in Chicago

Work with Casey Accounting & Finance Resources, a top employment agency in Chicago!


3 Morning Activities That Are Guaranteed to Boost Your Productivity

How you spend your morning helps determine how productive you are throughout the day. When your morning begins with energy-producing activities, you are better able to decrease your stress level. Incorporate these three activities into each morning to increase your productivity throughout the day.

1. Meditate

Quieting your mind stimulates creativity, contemplation, and being in touch with yourself. Meditation also helps you relax, keeps your stress level down, and improves your focus and memory. You are better equipped to think more efficiently and effectively. Start by setting aside five minutes each morning and working up to 30 minutes. Sit up or lie down, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. When your mind wanders, refocus on your breathing. If you have trouble keeping still, look for a guided mediation online. Follow the instructions while focusing on your breathing. With practice, you will gain peace of mind and accomplish more throughout the day.

2. Eat Breakfast

Since your body gets energy from turning food into glucose, you need to start each day with a healthy meal. Plus, your metabolism is better earlier in the day, meaning your body can more easily turn the calories you eat into energy to use throughout the morning. Aim for eating within two hours of waking up so that you can capitalize on your energy stores before starting work. Include protein and healthy carbohydrates such as fruit or whole grains. Avoid donuts and other sugar-laden foods that will not sustain you.

 3. Exercise

Exercise improves circulation and releases endorphins that increase well-being and minimize pain and discomfort. Whether doing yoga at home, participating in a spin class or running around the neighborhood, you will lower your stress level and maintain energy throughout the day. Completing your exercise routine in the morning ensures it gets done while allowing time to complete your work. Plus, because exercise helps you clear your mind, you are better able to focus and make good decisions about work projects, problems and more.

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5 Buzzwords You Should Incorporate into Your Interview

The words you use during an interview convey an impression of you and your abilities. You want that impression to show you are the most qualified candidate and should be offered the job. Be sure to incorporate these five buzzwords into your next interview.

1. Responsibility

Mention a few key responsibilities you held that are essential to the role. Share stories of how you contributed to other employers and helped them move forward. Mention specific examples of your knowledge, work ethic, and accomplishments that will transfer to your next position. Use the responsibilities listed in the job posting as a basis for your answer. Include statistics in your answer. For example, “I understand customer service is a key part of this role. I spent three years working in a high-volume call center, answering customer calls and finding solutions. I am adept at deescalating situations and making customers happy.”

2. Passion

Demonstrate why you are passionate about the position. The interviewer wants to know you will come to work each day because you care about what you do, and will perform beyond your job description. Mention specific reasons you are excited about the role. Perhaps you enjoyed performing those tasks in the past, enjoy thinking about how your work will affect your target audience, or how you can improve your skills. Maybe you see things through to completion and finish your work on time. For example, you reorganized a presentation at the last minute because the client changed their direction. Or, you still finished a project when the office computers were down.

3. Leadership

Discuss your greatest examples of leadership. Talk about how you led teams and projects and took ownership of your results and accomplishments. For example, show how you encourage top employee performance through recognition and rewards and assigning new responsibilities for professional growth. Mention how you delegate responsibilities to enhance employee skills and increase value to the organization. Discuss how you openly give and receive constructive feedback so individual and team performance improve.


Provide examples of how you collaborate with teammates. Working in teams promotes innovation by sharing and developing ideas to move the organization forward. The interviewer will be especially impressed if you collaborated with employees in another department. For example, mention how you ensure everyone understands their role in completing a project and what the timeline is for each task. And, discuss how you stay on task and help others follow suit. Plus, share how you ask for help and assist your teammates when needed.

5. Results

Explain the measurable results you achieved that relate to the position. The interviewer wants to see specifically how you benefitted a previous employer, and how you may benefit your next one. Provide statistics with your answer. For instance, “I increased sales by 25 percent in three months.”

Set Up an Interview With Casey Accounting and Finance

For help with finding your next role, set up an interview with Casey Accounting and Finance! Contact our top Chicago recruiters today.


Yay or Nay: Applying for a Job You’re Technically Underqualified For

Like most people, you have probably come across an amazing job opening and were disappointed to learn that you were underqualified. Perhaps the posting called for ten years’ experience, and you had only two, or for someone who managed a team of at least 50 when you managed just 15. The question is, how do you determine whether to apply for the role or look for another one?

Yay: You Have Transferable Skills

If you can demonstrate that you have transferable skills, then apply. Employers are more focused on hiring potential than an exact match. Highlight your transferable skills, knowledge, and experience in your cover letter so that the hiring manager knows you understand the position and what they are looking for. And, write a memo that outlines what you believe the main challenges of the role are and how you would handle them. Mention your awards, achievement of performance standards, upward career advancement, and professional certifications to show you are a high-level professional. Provide examples of how you blend with company culture. You just might be called in for an interview.

Yay: You Have an Employee Referral

If you know an employee who will refer you, then apply. Since referred candidates tend to have similar interests as the employee, blend with company culture, and remain loyal to the organization longer, they are hired more often than non-referrals. If you do not have a connection with the business, then create one. For instance, if the hiring manager is speaking at an upcoming event, then plan to participate and introduce yourself. Or, if the company founder was featured in a recent article, reach out with a comment or question. Cultivating relationships will give you an in with the organization.

Yay: You Can Demonstrate Motivation

If you can clearly show that you are motivated to excel in the role, then apply. Unlike technical skills, motivation cannot be taught. Highlighting a plan to gain the required skills through hard work, dedication, and willingness to learn increases your chances of being offered an interview. For instance, show that you are open to taking a class or engaging in on-the-job training. And, mention examples of how your flexibility and desire to learn benefitted previous employers and can add value to your next one. Or, offer to work for free on a temporary basis so that the hiring manager can see that you are an asset to the company and should be brought aboard full-time.

Nay: You Are New to the Workforce or Changing Careers

If you are just entering the workforce or switching careers, then do not apply. You lack the skills and experience necessary to fulfill the job responsibilities. Applying would be a waste of time for both you and the hiring manager.

Apply with a Leading Chicago Staffing Firm

Apply for work through Casey Finance and Accounting Resources, a leading Chicago employment agency!


7 Podcasts That Will Help You Land a Job

Have you been listening to podcasts to help land your next job? You can learn cover letter and resume tips, networking tricks, interview secrets, personal branding ideas and more. Take advantage of these podcasts to move closer to getting the role you want.

1. CareerCloud Radio

Do you want to brush up on the fundamentals of getting a job? Then subscribe to CareerCloud Radio. Gain insight into what to include on your resume, how to answer interview questions; how to negotiate salary; and other nuts and bolts of the job search. Guests include resume writers, career coaches, recruiters and job seekers. Be sure you listen to “Great Resumes and Good Advice.”

2. Career Relaunch

Are you transitioning to a new career? Gain the inspiration, help and motivation you need to get through up and down times during your transition. Host Joseph Liu, a career change and personal branding strategist, interviews professionals from all backgrounds who successfully transitioned between dramatically different roles. Don’t miss the episode “Making Your Next Career Move with Khai Yong.”

3. The Pitch

Similar to the TV show “Shark Tank,” The Pitch lets entrepreneurs share their ideas and potentially negotiate funding. Hear intriguing business ideas and learn how to sell someone on yours. A must-listen-to episode is “Shift.”

4. Manager Tools

Are you climbing the corporate ladder? Then subscribe to Manager Tools. Whether working toward your first management role or continuing to move up in the ranks, learn about performance reviews, coaching, office etiquette, delegation and other skills. Definitely catch “The Bridge Between Feedback and Coaching.”

 5. Sleep With Me

Do you need a good night’s sleep before an interview? The host rambles on about stories that grab your interest in the beginning but become drawn out until you fall asleep from boredom. Remember to listen to “Club Senseless.”

6. How Did You Get Into That

Do you need help mapping your career plan? Host Grant Baldwin interviews professionals with unique jobs to gain insight into how they got into them. Listen to fan favorite “How to Become a LEGO Master Builder with Chris Steininger.”

7. Side Hustle School

Whether you want to keep your side gig where it is or turn it into a full-time venture, learn the basics behind increasing your cash flow with a side gig. Host Chris Guillebeau interviews inventors, artists and entrepreneurs to see how they came up with their idea, overcame challenges, and received impressive results. Don’t miss the episode “Where to Find Hustle Ideas.”

Find Accounting or Finance Work in Chicago

To land your next job, partner with Casey Accounting and Finance Resources, a leader in Chicago employment!


Strong Economy, Robust Hiring, and 8 Staffing Trends!

As recruiting for talented staff becomes more difficult, Casey Accounting & Finance Resources is experiencing record levels of placements for accounting and finance talent.  Our secret to success?  Dedicated recruiters with an average of over 10 years recruiting accounting & finance talent.

As the demand for increasing workforces continues, Staffing Industry Analyst has identified eight trends affecting staffing including the following:

  • The global economy is doing OK
  • Technology/automation
  • Skills shortages
  • Legislation
  • Gig economy
  • Public perception
  • Procurement sophistication
  • Rise of Asia

For additional information on these 8 trends, please click here: Read More


6 Tips to Prevent Yourself from Being Burned Out

Career burnouts can be caused by multiple triggers. A heavy workload, lack of control and an adverse work environment may be factors in feeling burned out. Rather than letting them overwhelm you, take action to maintain your work-life balance.

1. Learn to Say No

Do you say “no” to requests that do not fit your job description or schedule? You cannot spend your time responding to others’ needs while not filling your own. Avoid taking on tasks that you need to stay late for or that are not part of your work responsibilities. Take on tasks that interest you and can be adequately planned for during the workday.

2.Compare Your Regular Tasks and Job Description

Are you taking on more work than you should be? Make a list of your regular tasks, then compare it to your job description. If you discover you are taking on responsibilities beyond what you should be assigned, bring the discrepancy to your manager’s attention. You may be able to shift some of your workload to colleagues and free up time for other tasks.

3. Cultivate Workplace Relationships

Are you developing friendships with co-workers? Sharing thoughts and experiences makes people feel validated and supported. You can discuss positive events in your life, ask for help during challenging times, and return the favor as needed. Surrounding yourself with positive people will keep you focused, energized and progressing in your career.

4. Take Time Off

Do you frequently take time off? Even if you cannot spend two weeks on vacation, you could plan a long weekend for rest and rejuvenation. Regularly taking three- and four-day weekends is more effective than taking several weeks off a few times a year. To further reduce your feeling of burnout, limit your use of digital devices after work hours. When you get home, either put your smartphone away or turn it off so you do not check email or text messages. Whatever needs doing can wait until tomorrow.

5. Change Work Area

Can you change the area where you perform your work? Perhaps you can move your desk to another part of your office or work in another department. You could talk with your manager about working remotely one day per week. Changing your scenery can stimulate your mind and encourage you to continue performing your tasks.

6. Meditate

Have you tried mediation? The centuries-old practice has been proven to reduce anxiety, depression, and other symptoms of burnout. Meditation develops an awareness of present-moment experience with a compassionate, non-judgmental approach and can improve your focus. Typically, meditating for as little as 10 minutes a day can rewire your brain to relax and be more productive.

Change Your Accounting or Finance Role

When it comes time to change your accounting or finance role, reach out to Casey Accounting and Finance Resources, a leading staffing agency in Chicago!




Your New Job Is Boring. What Changed? What Can You Do?

After a few weeks at your new job, you may find yourself disinterested in your tasks. Because you need to be engaged in your work to feel job satisfaction, you may decide to look for something else. However, you may end up in the same situation elsewhere. Therefore, you need to uncover what changed in your job and what you can do to improve it.

Alter Your Surroundings

It may be another office, a coffee shop or other location where you can complete your work. A change in scenery may help you focus. You may even decide to go for a quick walk to clear your head and see things in new ways.

Look at Your Tasks From a New Angle

Objectively look at your tasks as though you were an outsider. See how you can make things interesting. For example, work on a different task first. Make your calls in the morning. Take your break at different times. Wait three hours to check your email.

Meet Colleagues

Walk in the break room at various times and introduce yourself to employees in other departments. Talk with different co-workers at company functions. Make plans to participate in activities outside the office. You’ll be more engaged in your work knowing you have friends nearby.

Actively Learn

Attend seminars and conferences to find out more about your industry. Take a class related to your field. Ask if you can cross-train in another department and fill in when needed. Go for a promotion so you have additional responsibilities that keep you busy and engaged.

Talk With Your Boss

Let your boss know what the issue is and how you may improve it. Perhaps you need additional tasks, a new project or a more challenging workload. Focus on what the company needs and how you may contribute. You may be able to find a solution to a recurring problem or help colleagues complete a project. Mention your performance with your current workload, what you have learned and accomplished, and why you are the best employee for taking on additional assignments.

Partner With a Staffing Agency

You will be tested on various skills to determine where your interests and expertise are. You will add to your experience level and discover what your true passion is. By working in a temporary position, you can determine how well you fit with company culture and whether you would be happy being offered a permanent role. If you are dissatisfied with a position, you can easily move to a new one.

Reach Out to an Accounting and Finance Staffing Leader

Are you looking for a new accounting and finance position? Reach out to Casey Accounting and Finance Resources to find your next role by partnering with a top accounting recruiter in Chicago!
